Saturday, October 31, 2009

Prepper Therapy

Sometimes it all seems to be too much. Sometimes you get wrapped up in the preps, the guns and the potential badness the world has to offer. You think about how it will effect your kids, your spouse, your extended family and your friends who have not prepared. You are a Sheepdog, but you know you cannot protect everyone, all the time. It can give you an ulcer.

The cure? Wiener Dogs. I suggest 3 or more. Nothing is as therapeutic or cathartic as watching a herd of Wiener Dogs chase each other under the couch, under your bed, or under your feet. They don't eat much, and no matter how bleak the outlook for the future, they give you this look (see picture) when you call their name. The look that says; "Hey, everything is OK, if it weren't, would I be chasing these other dogs around?"

Thanks dogs.

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